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What They Don't Tell You - Loan Signing Agent Edition

I've had some things in my heart that I feel like I should share specially if you are or are becoming a loan signing agent.

First of all, I am a huge advocate for mental awareness, I myself struggle with anxiety and depression. I just don't think the hustle culture we are currently living in is the best for our mental sake. I believe in hard work but in rest too, there should be a balance between the two.

There are 4 things I want to share with you that the industry does not talk about.


Marketing is essential for any business even Coca-Cola the greatest soda company spends about 4 billion dollars every year on advertising! Crazy, huh?

Marketing is hard though, specially for the real estate business. We have to constantly be networking, reaching out to potential clients and gaining new clients. It all sounds pretty easy but it isn't. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication. I hate to break it to you but the chances of you networking to a client once and receiving work is not that great.

Think about it this way, why would someone trust you to complete something so crucial as signings for them? Remember this when you market! You have to go out and market multiple times before you hear from them again.

At my previous job I was in the human resource department and this one guy would show up EVERY single day and call our manager EVERY single day after applying. My manager came to me and said he was fed up with the guy and gave him a chance so he would stop calling him. He ended up being pretty good worker.

Persistent is key! Show up, call, email, send a text and drop off goodies!


You might not hear the word "NO" directly but you are not getting call. It is definitely not easy getting clients, but remember that persistence is key. You cannot expect to walk in to an office introduce yourself and get called for a signing, that's not how it works.

You have to show up and keep showing up even after they've call you for several signings you have to never forget to show gratitude.

Some escrow officers prefer to do the signings themselves and have in-house signings. Instead of immediately walking away ask them if they wouldn't prefer to assign the signing to a notary and have that time free up to work on other tasks. Always be polite though!


Everyone makes it seem like this is such an easy business, and don't get me wrong it is compare to many. You don't need a degree, you don't even need to take a course but you definitely should to be prepare. The start up costs are low and its great that you can start of with signing services. What better business than this who sends you the work. Overall signings are quick, but it is a lot of work specially if you occupy all your time with work.

When you want to go direct that's when it takes a lot of work to market your services and for escrow offices to start trusting you. It is a lot of work to build that relationship but at the end is so regarding. Remember to always be there to give them, not take from the. Be able to give them time, help out in an event, help them package docs, maybe be a messenger.

You might feel discourage at times but trust me all your hard work will pay off.

Want to Quit

You'll feel like you want to quit, after weeks and weeks of marketing and you still don't hear back. It's okay, be patient. We've all been there. Some of us have been lucking enough and gotten work when it just gets really busy, but do not feel discourage if it hasn't been that way for you.

One thing you should never do is compare your journey to anyone else's. ANYONE! In anything, whether it is in life, work, friendships, etc. No two journeys look the same, we all have different journeys.

Sometimes when you are going through a rough dark time and your ready to give up, usually that's when you're so close to hit that milestone. Do not quit, keep your head up high and keep showing up every single day.

God makes us go through the rough times to strengthen our faith. We are not suppose to go through them alone, He will guide us, we just need to not give up.

I hope this helped and encourage anyone who might be going through a similar time. Do not ever give up something you really want, it will not come easy but it will make you.



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